
This classic tale of a small boy, Dave, and his lost toy is, like all Shirley Hughes books, packed on every page with emotional nuance and infused with Hughes' humorous and compassionate viewpoint. For me, the real heroine of the tale is Bella, a wise and wry little girl of around eight who, in a brilliant flourish of generosity, caring and playground diplomacy, saves the day. A great story to read to older siblings.


My favourite children's book

I agree that Dave's big sister, Bella, is the heroine of the story. It's so touching when she realizes that she can fix her little brother's problem. I was able to empathize with Dave myself because I had a very special Dogger-like soft toy called "Dog" when I was growing up and I was devastated when I left him on top of the piano at my mum's yoga class and had to live without him for a whole weekend.



I agree - a great empathy read even if I don't have the right soft toy!

Average: 4 (2 votes)
Shirley Hughes
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