Wired To Care: How Companies Prosper When They Create Widespread Empathy

This is a great read, and I highly recommend it if you're currently exploring empathy in an organizational context.  I bought the book because I was introducing the term 'design thinking' into the lexicon of my organization and wanted to start a dialogue about empathy, the first step of a design thinking process.  Here is the book's official description on Amazon:

"In this essential and illuminating book, top business strategist Dev Patnaik tells the story of how organizations of all kinds prosper when they tap into a power each of us already has: empathy, the ability to reach outside of ourselves and connect with other people. When people inside a company develop a shared sense of what’s going on in the world, they see new opportunities faster than their competitors. They have the courage to take a risk on something new. And they have the gut-level certitude to stick with an idea that doesn’t take off right away. People are "Wired to Care," and many of the world’s best organizations are, too."  
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Dev Patnaik
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