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This book directly defines empathy in kid friendly language with an engaging story and plot. Emily, a young girl, bothers her sister while she is trying to do homework.
Another moving animation from the team who brought you the RSA Animate series. Dr Brené Brown is a research professor and best-selling author, who has spent the past decade studying vulnerability, courage, worthiness, and shame.
Copied from Karla McLaren's website:
What if there were a single skill that could directly and radically improve your relationships and your emotional life? Empathy, teaches Karla McLaren, is that skill.
An exploration of empathic conversation - with others, with work, with play.
I didn't know I could learn so much from entering the world of people with dwarfism, or children born of rape, people of musical genius or those with multiple and severe disabilities.... until I read this truly extraordinary book. I felt emotionally enlarged by every page.
In Summer 2013, a graduation speech given by the idiosyncratic novelist, short-story genius and children’s author George Saunders went viral.
What exactly does it mean to be human? Andrew Martin, a Professor of Mathematics at Cambridge, is not himself. This becomes clear when he’s found walking naked through the manicured grounds of his own college, apparently having suffered amnesia or nervous breakdown brought on by overwork.
Very funky short video on the impact of digital culture on the possibilities for building empathic relationships.