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Welcome to the Empathy Library search page. Use keywords to search for books and films, or browse the collection using filters (e.g. under Book Type select 'fiction' or under Theme choose 'love' or 'poverty'). Results are automatically ranked by popularity. Join the library to add items, comment and give ratings.

Displaying library items 261 - 270 of 392
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This is a serious in depth examination of the vital role of empathy in the context of our global economic crisis, healthcares in need of healing, violence on our streets, religious tensions, too little spirituality, too much materialism,and other contemporary issues.
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This book is about the ways to live a whole hearted life.  Brene's definition of "Wholehearted" is believing that we are worthy of love and belonging, having the courage to be imperfect, and owning and sharing our story.

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Fabulous book about a fish who learns (eventually) that life is so much more fun and happier when he learns to share. Loved this book when my daughter was younger and still re visit sometimes when she forgets her manners!

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Against the backdrop of an immigrant experience, Cat Thao tells of her coming of age in Australia, haunted by lingering trauma but buoyed by instincts of hope, reinvention and survival.

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A clear, interesting text by one of the founders of positive psychology. Good explanation of well-being as different from happiness. Particular connections to empathy include discussions of how people feel better after doing things for others: expressing gratitude, showing kindness, and more.

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A young Belgian mother, discovers that her workmates have opted for a significant pay bonus, in exchange for her dismissal. She has only one weekend to convince her colleagues to give up their bonuses so that she can keep her job.

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This film reminded me that I am human , I do feel ... perhaps too much .

It's a modern day ponochiio (spelt wrong) story.

You will most likely heard of it but in a nutshell - 

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This documentary tells the story about a children's theater group in Jenin in the Palestinian territories.

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In 'Blue Glass', writer Sandra Tyler reframes parenthood as a problem of holding on and letting go.                                                                                               
