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Displaying library items 211 - 220 of 392
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Why do children stop asking questions? This was one of the questions that innovation expert Warren Berger set out to answer, along with why certain new, flexible start- up businesses were doing better than established companies staffed with MBA graduates.

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Set in a hospital, this four-minute clip brings us into the lives of patients, their families and healthcare workers. It shows a short description hovering near each person, saying what he or she is feeling or going through. In this way, it makes the invisible, visible.

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This is a sharing by a doctor in Singapore who went through a transformation after he was diagnosed with cancer.  He shares with such honesty, the material life he lived and how, after cancer, he became more compassionate.

Here are some lines from the video:  

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This is an amazing book written from the perspective of two highly functioning people with different forms of autism.  Dr. Temple Grandin is a visual thinker while her co-author, Sean Barron is an emotive thinker.

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This is a great read, and I highly recommend it if you're currently exploring empathy in an organizational context.

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The Aubrey – Maturin series of novels set at the time of the Anglo-French wars of the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries is one of the great achievements of twentieth century historical fiction, matching the empathetic genius seen in the works of Paul Scott and J. G. Farrell.

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How would 124 days at sea, on your own in a small rowing boat, affect your view of the world? 23 year old Sarah Outen probably did not realise quite how significantly her perspective would shift until a few days after her epic voyage across the Indian Ocean in 2009.

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What would you do if the unthinkable happened? Reg Thompson's collection of letters to his daughter is an eloquent and unsparing attempt to answer this question that no parent wants to think about.

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Insides Out is the first book in The Empathy Way book collection. The Empathy Way uses photographs of real-life bonobo apes to teach young children (ages 2-10) about empathy. Insides Out explains empathy in a way that children can understand--what it is, why it is important, and how to do it.

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This book is for artists, creatives, and anyone who is blocked or procrastinates their creative work. Dr. Paris argues that creativity is fueled by empathic relationships, and not isolation.
