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Displaying library items 191 - 200 of 392
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In general, this film is about relationships between friends, and how a few hard issues between them have never been discussed. It's about how emotions and frustrations that have evolved over many years have never been dealt with.

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Toby is a big, brown, happy dog. Every week, his owner, Miss Charmaine takes him to visit and comfort children who are in the hospital. Follow Toby the service dog for a day, and see how he makes friends with the children, helps make them happy and forget that they are sick and away from home.
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When Toby steps into the path of a dog who bullies him and shreds his beloved stuffed teddy-bear toy, feelings get hurt. This beautifully illustrated book teaches children about the importance of kindness, respect, acceptance and being considerate of others, including pets.

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Are men and women ‘differently wired’? Danny certainly is. When he meets Barbara, he tells her frankly that he’s going to get her drunk and have sex with her all night. She laughs, but soon she realises that there‘s a reason this handsome man has no filter.
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It's 1985, and in London a group of young gay men and women (well, one woman to begin with) led by the charismatic, Irish Mark Ashton, are raising money to help embattled miners, for no other reason than that they know what it's like to be picked on too.

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"I never had a brain until Freak came along and let me borrow his for a while, and that's the truth, the whole truth." This is the first line hook from a whopper of a book.

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Most parenting guides begin with the question "How can we get kids to do what they're told?" -- and then proceed to offer various techniques for controlling them.

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In the entry on ‘Down and Out in Paris and London,’ The Empathy Library celebrates George Orwell as an empath and social chronicler. Here, we celebrate him as a writer of fiction who inspired generations.
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Many researchers have contributes to this book containing 16 chapters. It is a scholar book, but it is readable by people who are not familiar with neuroscience.

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'In Beyond Right & Wrong, a woman who survived the death of her five children wonders if she can forgive the man who killed them. A victim’s daughter strikes up an unusual friendship with the bomber who killed her father.
