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Displaying library items 171 - 180 of 392
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'Mother' is a word heavy with associations.

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It's a film about true story of a tenacious social worker, who uncovers a government backed mass deportation of children from UK to Australia.   Her empathy with the adults telling her their stories of abuse and terror, causes her personal grief, and me too.  

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A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius is the moving memoir of a college senior who, in the space of five weeks, loses both of his parents to cancer and inherits his eight-year-old brother.

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Donal Ryan's wonderful first novel is set in Ireland after the crash of 2008 and is a story told by 21 different voices and perspectives. With each monologue we share the confusion and uncertainty that has come about in response to the recession.

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This video work, by a London/Bergen based visual artist explores cultural histories and memories through a language based project.

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In 'The Road', Cormac McCarthy depicts a bleak ruined world in which only the most inhumane seem to have the ability, or even the will, to survive.
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Molly's Pilgrim is the tale of a young Russian-Jewish immigrant who is struggling to fit in at a new school after emigrating to the United States.  I would consider this a classic for Thanksgiving reading lists for children, as it emphasizes being the difficult journey of immigration, th

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A documentary that invites for a meaningful exploration and reflection about our innerselves by showcasing words of knowledge and wisdom from great Brazilian minds from different walks of life: spiritual leaders, scientists, politicians, entretainers, educators, social entrepreneurs, business peo

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The prospects are clear: we will live longer. The number of people aged 65 and up will increase over the next few decades. Society will change as a result, but how? Connectedness is a powerful tool rooted in human nature. By unfolding the nature of relationships
